Cadet College Bhurban Admission 2025

The Admission Office of Cadet College Bhurban has officially declared the commencement of admissions for the session 2025. Cadet College Bhurban, situated in the scenic Murree Hills, is inviting applications for enrollment in 1st Year FSc Pre Medical, FSc Pre Engineering, and ICS General Science for the session 2025-26. Recognized for its prestigious status, Cadet College Bhurban provides high-quality education to aspiring students nationwide. If you aspire to join this esteemed institution, the admissions are currently open. Obtain your admission form either from the college campus or download it from this page, available until December 2025. 2025

Cadet College Bhurban logoThe comprehensive application process, eligibility criteria, online application instructions, and contact information are outlined in the official advertisement of our Alma Mater, as detailed below. This information is also accessible on our official website. For a detailed understanding of Urdu, kindly refer to the newspaper ad cutting beneath this post. Regularly check our website and Facebook page for the latest updates on admissions. All additional particulars, including eligibility criteria, availability of admission forms, the process to download the admission form, entry test dates, entry test results, and the deadline for submitting the Cadet College Bhurban Admission Form 2025, can be found on this page. Please review the complete details for comprehensive information.

Admission Form

Alternatively, you have the option to purchase the admission form along with the prospectus via post by sending a bank draft of 1000 rupees, drawn in favor of the Principal of Cadet College Bhurban. The admission form is also accessible on the official website of the college: For added convenience, you can download the admission form directly from the official site.

Online Admissions Entry Test Result Merit List

Eligibility Criteria

Prospective applicants are required to have successfully cleared the SSC exam with a minimum of 60% marks from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) in Pakistan. Candidates who are awaiting their results are also eligible to apply; however, they must submit a hope certificate along with the admission form. The principal of their current school should issue this certificate. Additionally, candidates must secure a minimum of 60% marks in their matriculation exam. If you are still awaiting your matriculation results, you can proceed with applying for admission in 2025 by submitting a hope certificate issued by the last college attended.

Fee Structure

Degree – Program Duration Fee/Year Merit
FSC – Computer Science 2 Years NA NA
FSC – General Science 2 Years NA NA
FSC-ENGG – Science [pre-engineering] 2 Years NA NA
FSC-MED – Science [pre-medical] 2 Years NA NA


The admission form, along with the prospectus, can be obtained directly from the Admission Office of Cadet College Bhurban. The cost for the admission form along with the prospectus is 1000 rupees.


Cadet College Bhurban Admission Advertisement

How to apply for admission

To apply online for admission to Cadet College Bhurban for the year 2025, please refer to the details provided in the official advertisement below. You can find comprehensive information and contact details in the Alma Mater’s official advertisement, and the college also provides them on the official website. You can download the admission form for the year 2025 directly from the official website of Cadet College Bhurban Murree at  It’s important to note that this service is provided free of charge. Applicants can access the admission form without any cost.

Merit List 2025 Download online

Cadet College Bhurban will allocate admissions solely on a merit basis. The college will determine merit by evaluating the marks obtained in the matriculation exam, the results of the written test, performance in the intelligence test, success in the interview, and the outcome of the medical test. Currently, admissions for Cadet College Bhurban are open. If you aspire to enroll in this esteemed institution, ensure to acquire your admission form either from the college campus or download it from the provided page on or before the deadline in February 2025.

Contact information

Postal Address: Cadet College Bhurban, Murree Hills, District Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Phone Number: +92-51-3751001-3, 0311-5687225

Fax Number: +92-51-3751004

Email Address: [email protected]


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