Kings Cadet College Gujarat Admission 2025

The Admission Office of Kings Cadet College in Gujarat has declared that they are now accepting applications for the 2025 session. Recently matriculated students are eligible to apply for admission to the 1st year in FSC (Pre Engineering, Pre Medical, and Computer Science), ICS, or FA programs. Additionally, the college is welcoming applications for students entering classes 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th for the academic year 2025. The last date to apply for Admissoin is Feb 2025. Admissions 2025 Entry Test

The Alma Mater’s official advertisement provides a comprehensive overview of the application process, eligibility criteria, and contact details. This information is also available on the official website. Prospective applicants can visit, where they can click on the “apply online” option and proKings Cadet College Gujarat ceed to submit all the requisite information as specified by Cadet College Gujrat Online. Further details about the online admission process, eligibility criteria, necessary documents, and additional information can be found in the provided resources.

Admission Form 2025

Prospective students can obtain the admission form directly from the university’s website. It is imperative that the application form, accessible on the college’s official site, is filled out completely. Additionally, it should be accompanied by necessary documents such as photographs, photocopies of results, birth certificate, CNIC or B-form, medical certificate, and the application fee. The application form can be effortlessly downloaded from the website, and students can also ascertain the deadline for submission.

Online Admissions Entry Test Result Merit List

Entry Test Result 2025

The admission process encompasses a thorough assessment of each candidate’s academic and personal accomplishments. This includes the administration of an entrance test, which covers subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Urdu, and General Knowledge, conducted during the application process.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who have successfully completed their matriculation with a science background and a specialization in Biology are eligible to apply. Additionally, candidates who have completed their matriculation with a science background and a specialization in either Biology or Computer Science are also eligible to apply. Furthermore, students who have passed their matriculation with either a science or arts background are eligible to apply.

Fee Structure

1st & 2nd Year

Sr.No. Description Duration Fee Charges
1 Admission Fee Once 30,000.00
2 Security Fee Refundable 15,000.00
3 Tuition Fee (1,12,500 Per Anum)
1st Installment
4 Hostel Fee
(Includes Messing, Lodging and
Allied Services)
Monthly 16,500.00
5 Annual Charges
(Includes Examination, Sports,
Medical & Development Etc.)
Annual 15,000.00
6 Uniform Charges
(Army Uniforms, School Uniforms,
Track Suit, Nike Shirt, etc.)
Once 26,000.00
Total 1,40,000

VI to X

Sr.No. Description Duration Fee Charges
1 Admission Fee Once 30,000.00
2 Security Fee Refundable 15,000.00
3 Tuition Fee Monthly 8,500.00
4 Hostel Fee
(Includes Messing, Lodging and
Allied Services)
Monthly 16,500.00
5 Annual Charges
(Includes Examination, Sports,
Medical & Development Etc.)
Annual 15,000.00
6 Uniform Charges
(Army Uniforms, School Uniforms,
Track Suit, Nike Shirt, etc.)
Once 26,000.00
Total 1,11,000.00


Prospective students have the option to obtain the prospectus from the university’s official website. Additionally, visiting our Admission Office will also provide you with the opportunity to acquire a prospectus and complete the Admission Form. You can retrieve the admission form from the reception (admission) and ensure that you carefully read and follow the provided instructions while filling it out.


Kings Cadet College Gujarat Admission Advertisement

How to apply for admission

To apply for admission, please refer to the Alma Mater’s official advertisement below for detailed instructions and contact details. Additionally, the application process can be initiated online through the official website. All applications must be submitted either at the Admission Office, Kings Cadet College Gujrat, or through the Online Admission Application System by the specified deadline, including those for scholarships. If preferred, you may also opt to manually complete the admission application form. Please note that late applications will not be taken into consideration for admission.


  • Three photographs
  • Result cards copies
  • B-form or CNIC copy
  • Your parent/guardian CNIC copies
  • Equivalence certificate (for O Level students)

Merit List 2025 Download online

Students who successfully pass this test will be invited for an interview, marking the conclusive phase of the selection process based on merit. The final list of selected students will be compiled strictly adhering to the merit criteria, taking into account both the interview and entry test performance. For King Cadet College’s 2025 CTSP Entry Test Result, along with the answer keys and Merit List, please refer to the provided link.

Contact information

Landline Phone: +92-53-3311010-11

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Address: Kings Cadet College & School Gujarat, Sahiwal Rd, Gujarat, Punjab


Check Also: KUST Admission 2025 Apply for the last Date

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